On Octobre 19 the project participants of MCS GmbH, Mr. Jörg Rinn (4. ftl.), Mr. Alexander Piening (3. ftl.) and Mr. Manuel Cordas dos Santos (1. ftr.), met with the supplier quality of ZF Friedrichshafen AG, facility Saarbrücken. The results and findings from the nearly two-year lasting project "Audit of material confusion and mixing" at plastics suppliers for ZW Saarbrücken were discussed. a total of 37 suppliers were audited by MCS within the framework of the project of ZF Saarbrücken. In this process the RPAS-approach (Risk and Process oriented Audit System) developed by MCS was used.
The results reflect new perspectives and new insights in the fields of
- Goods receipt inspection,
- Production and raw material handling,
- Marking and traceability for internal transport as well as
- Implementation of QR83 and ZF specific requirements

On the side of ZF Saarbrücken Mr. Dr. Ackermann (leader quality subcontracting, 2. ftl.), Mr. Breinig (quality subcontracting / team leader mechanics 1. ftl.) and Mr. Hodel (quality subcontracting, 2. ftr.) participated at the workshop/meeting.

The resulting risks for ZF and the suppliers were identified in the recording and presentation of results as well as the general level of system maturity. With the RPAS-approach (Risk and Process oriented Audit System) designed specially on the requirements of ZF Saarbrücken, besides general questions to the relevant processes,

- additional customer specific requirements, for example QR 83, relevant norms additional standards (VDA 6.3, VDA 6.5, VDA 2 etc.) were considered,
- the degrees of fulfillment of the process elements were determined on the basis of the directed requirements,
- the "translation" of the degrees of completion in system maturity levels and weighted, operational risks on the basis of a risk combination matrix were displayed.
There will not be a supplier without any risk. This was clear to all participants. It is important to be aware of the risks inherent in suppliers and their processes. The RPAS approach is best suited suited for this purpose. Risks are generally not to be avoided, but the right risks must be carried and managed systematically. Additional information is to be dristributed only in consultation and permission with ZF.